Self Study Report (SSR)

Extended Profile
  1. Students
    1. Number of students year wise during the last five years

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  2. Teachers
    1. Number of teaching staff / full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count)

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    2. Number of teaching staff / full time teachers year wise during the last five years

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  3. Institution
    1. Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)

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    1. Curricolar Planning and Implementation
      1. Effective curricolum planning and delivery (QlM)

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        Link for Additional information

    2. Academic Flexibility
      1. Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses
        1. Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses

          Data template

          Brochure/notice for programs with course modoles and outcomes

          List of students and the attendance sheet

          Course completion certificate

      2. Students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses
        1. Students enrolled and completed courses

          Data template

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    3. Curricolum Enrichment
      1. Relevant to Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, Sustainability (QlM)

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      2. Students taking project work / field work / internships
        1. Number of students taking project work / field work / internships

          Data template

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    4. Feedback System
      1. Feedback on academic performance, ambience from stakeholders

        Feedback form from stake holders

        Feedback form from stake holders

        Action taken report on feedback analysis

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        Link of feedback, analytics and report hosted

    1. Student Enrolment and Profile
      1. Enrolment percentage
      2. Seats filled against reserved categories
      3. Students actually admitted from reserved categories
      4. Seats earmarked for reserved category

        Letter Government on reserved categories

        Final admission list with category endorsed by authority

    2. Student Teacher Ratio
      1. Student Teacher Ratio
    3. Teaching-Learning Process
      1. Student centric method for learning and use of ICT (QlM)

        Additional information

    4. Teacher Profile and Quality
      1. Full-time teachers against sanctioned posts

        Letters of posts sanctioned by authority

      2. Teachers with NET/SET/SLET/PhD/DSc/DLitt/LLD
        1. Teachers with NET/SET/SLET/PhD/DSc/DLitt/LLD

          Faculties having PhD/DSc/DLitt/LLD with particulars of Degree Certificates

    5. Evaluation Process and Reforms
      1. Mechanism of internal/ external assessment (QlM)

        Additional Information

    6. Student Performance and Learning Outcome
      1. Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes stated and displayed (QlM)

        Learning Outcomes PO and CO

        Link for Additional information

      2. Attainment of POs and COs are evaluated (QlM)

        Evaluation of PO and CO

        Link for Additional information

      3. Pass percentage of Students
        1. Number of final year students passed university examination
        2. Number of final year students appeared for university examination

          Report of CoE highlighting pass percentage of final year students

    7. Student Satisfaction Survey

      Online student satisfaction survey

    1. Resource Mobilization for Research
      1. Grants from Government non-governmental for research / endowments
        1. Total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies

          Data template

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    2. Innovation Ecosystem
      1. Ecosystem for innovation, IKS, IPR and Incubation (QlM)

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        Link for information

      2. Workshops/seminars/conferences on Research Method, IPR Entrepreneurship
        1. Total number of Workshops/seminars/conferences conducted

          Data template

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    3. Research Publication and Awards
      1. Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years

        Data template

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        Link to paper
      2. Books chapters in published and papers in proceedings
        1. Books chapters in published and papers in proceedings

          Data template

          Cover page, content, first page with ISBN and year of books/chapters

          List of chapter/book with links redirecting to the source website

    4. Extension Activities
      1. Extension activities in the neighborhood community (QlM)

        View Document

      2. Awards and recognitions received for extension activities (QlM)

        View Document

        Link for information

      3. Extension outreach programs through organized forums
        1. Extension outreach programs through organized forums

          Data template

          Report on extension outreach with number of students and agency

          Photographs and other supporting document with captions and dates

    5. Collaboration
      1. MoUs for internship, on-the-job training, project work
        1. MoUs for internship, on-the-job training, project work

          Data template

          pst and Copies of documents of MoUs activity-wise and year-wise

          Summary of MoUs with start date, end date, nature of collaboration

          List of year-wise activities and exchange

    1. Physical Facilities
      1. Adequate infrastructure and other facilities (QlM)

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        Link for information

      2. Expenditure on infrastructure and augmentation excluding salary
        1. Expenditure on infrastructure and augmentation excluding salary

          Audited income expenditure statement signed by CA and authority

    2. Library as a learning Resource
      1. Library is automated with digital facilities (QlM)

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    3. IT Infrastructure
      1. Institution updates IT facilities and internet bandwidth (QlM)

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        Link for information

      2. Student Computer ratio
        1. Student Computer ratio

          Stock register with computers for student’s usage

          Purchased Bills of computers purchased

    4. Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
      1. Expenditure on maintenance of physical and academic facilities
        1. Expenditure on maintenance of physical academic facilities (QlM)

          Audited income expenditure statement signed by CA and authority

    1. Student Support
      1. Students benefited by scholarships and freeship
        1. students benefited by scholarships and freeship

          Year-wise list of beneficiary in each scheme signed by authority

      2. Capacity development and skills enhancement activities

        Data templat

        Report with photographs on activities to enhance skills

        Report with photographs on programmes on trends in technology

        Links for other document

      3. Students benefitted for competitive examinations career counseling
        1. Students benefitted for competitive examinations career counseling

          Data template

          Upload document

      4. Redressal of grievances including sexual harassment and ragging

        Details of statutory/regolatory Committees

        Proof for Implementation of statutory/regolatory guidepnes

        Proof of Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies

        Mechanisms for submission of online/offline grievances

        Annual report of committee monitoring activities and grievances

        Links for relevant document

    2. Student Progression
      1. Placement and progressing to higher education of students
        1. Placement and progressing to higher education of students
        2. Number of outgoing students

          Data template

          Students placed details of Company, compensation, and order

          Students progressing for Higher Education with program, institution and link

          Links for other relevant document

      2. Students qualifying state/national/international examinations
        1. Students qualifying state/national/international examinations

          Data template

          Students qualified year wise with examination and Certificates

          Links for relevant document

    3. Student Participation and Activities
      1. Awards/medals for performance in sports/ coltural activities
        1. Awards/medals for performance in sports/ coltural activities

          Data template

          List and pnks to e-copies of award

          Links for relevant document

      2. Sports and coltural programs students participated
        1. Sports and coltural programs students participated

          Data template

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    4. Alumni Engagement
      1. registered Alumni Association contributes to development (QlM)

        View Document for Additional Information

    1. Institutional Vision and Leadership
      1. Governance leadership in accordance with vision and mission (QlM)

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        Link for Additional information

    2. Strategy Development and Deployment
      1. Perspective plan effectively deployed and functioning (QlM)

        Perspective Plan and deployment documents on the website

        Link for additional information

        Upload additional information

      2. Institution implements e-governance

        Screen shots of interfaces of modole with HEI name

        Expenditure statements for e-governance

        Annual report approved by authority

        Links for relevant document

    3. Facilty Empowerment Strategies
      1. Performance appraisal system and welfare measures (QlM)

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        Link for information

      2. Teachers financial support for conferences/workshops membership
        1. Teachers financial support for conferences/workshops membership

          Data template

          Policy on providing financial support to teachers

          Letter of financial assistance and list of teachers

          Audited statement with support to teachers

          Links for relevant document

      3. Teaching and non-teaching staff participating FDP, and MDP
        1. Teaching and non-teaching staff participating FDP, and MDP
        2. Total number of Teaching and non-teaching staff

          Certificates of the program attended

    4. Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
      1. Strategies on mobilization optimal utilization of resources (QlM)

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    5. Internal Quality Assurance System
      1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) (QlM)

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      2. Quality assurance initiatives

        Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI website

        NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actions

        Quality audit reports/certificate

        Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution details

        Links for relevant document

    1. Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
      1. Gender Audit and measures for promotion of gender equity (QlM)

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        Link for information

      2. Institution has facilities and initiatives for:

        View Document for facilities for specially abled and green campus/plastic free campus

      3. Quality Audits on Environment and Energy

        Green Audit / Environmental Audit Report

      4. Efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment (QlM)

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    2. Best Practices
      1. Describe two best practices successfolly implemented (QlM)

        Link hosted on the Institutional website

        Link to relevant information

    3. Institutional Distinctiveness
      1. Performance in one area distinctive to priority and thrust

        Link in the website

        Any other relevant information